April 3rd, 2019

I work on the mountain.

View from Parkdale

Way way up there is a huge resort where I’ve cooked food all winter; some days it’s been busy and some have been slow, like crazy slow, and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s spring! That means so many beautiful things, and one of them is that my seasonal job is winding down, which means more time in the sunshine!

It was a slow day up there.

Not even the entire parking lot was full, and instead of snow, it rained.

And I forgot my jacket!!

It was easily one of the slowest, most dead-tastic days of the dwindling season, and on days like this, where more money is lost than earned, the mountain king decides to banish his workers from the castle early.

A beautiful decision indeed.

I’m left with an entire, sexy day to myself, no family around the house, just me and my doggie, Lottie.

Awwwwww yeah!

On days like this (rare extra-special days of surprise freedom) I like to take the opportunity to laze around like I don’t laze during the rest of the week. And I do laze during the rest of the week.

It’s spring, though!
Sunshine, flowers, my spring allergies, everything is alive, and how dumb would I be to not take advantage of a little spring freedom?

I’ve got front flips to do, camerawork to practice, but all I want to do is stay and go full potato on my couch. And I’d be a glorious potato.


A little earlier today,
I drove home and succumbed to such laziness as this, and in its delight I was filled with the primal urge to do. It nagged at me until I turned the TV off.

Then when I got to work on this blog, everything felt better, like I was on the hunt again, like a couch potato, chasing a herd of wild buffalo.
Through a meadow.
On a crisp morning.

And it is succumbed. I looked it up. :p
But I think it should be succame and I don’t care if that makes it sound a little naughty.

What’s funny is that when I’m working for the mountain king, that primal urge to do isn’t there, like at all.
I’m a little ashamed to admit it, but working up there I’ve given my worst performance as an employee yet. I mean, I don’t like working kitchen lines with slippery floors, but ultimately that’s not an excuse for doing a bad job.
Did I just parent myself?

Is it a reason for it, though? Hating a job surely makes you not want to do it, but the bottom line is that people can “tough it out, Son.”
Sorry, I’m not my son.

What I’m trying to get at is that I have no idea where the primal urge to do comes from. I basically played with my phone at work all day and felt pretty okay doing so, but as soon as I get home and watch a five minute YouTube video, I feel like I’m wasting my day?

Am I wasting my day at work too then?

Can a day making money be considered a waste if you were miserable?

Or do I feel like I’m wasting my day because at home I have more opportunity to go do crazy, fun things? You can’t do too much locked in a kitchen.

Anyway, right now I’m going to walk my dog and see if I can snap anything cool with my cellphone.
( big kid camera is pending on my Amazon wish list)

I do wonder why I’ve kept picking up kitchen jobs, though. . . .

Okay, let’s get out there!


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