Appeal to Your Worst Self

Hesitation is the action killer, the dream killer, a stranger and a friend to no one. It tells our worst selves about our best selves, the ones who set goals that seem impossible to reach.

This is for those stone-hard days when your goals become an ominous wall, a rock face to scale with no grooves to grip. On those days, giving yourself a rope does more good than staring at the wall and walking away.

I write this on my phone, on a morning when working out didn’t match my energy or time constraints. I made myself coffee and did some stretches while watching a YouTube video. Lowering the bar is what got me to take action on this day where I felt too small for my goals.

There are days when we’re our best, days made to be conquered, but sometimes (as much as possible) we need to be real with ourselves. And ourselves usually appreciate it and reward us with more energy and love than we thought we had to begin with.

Live your way,


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