What to do in a Life

People always ask what they’d do if they had one day to live, or six months to live, but the reality is that most of us will be here a bit longer. With this in mind, I have a question for you.

If you had the rest of your life,
what would you do with it?

For me, a few things come to mind: travel continuously, write, share and entertain, play music, help people.

But this is about you.
I want you to write down what you’d do if you had one lifetime. Would you spend it planning, waiting for the day to do what you want? Would each day, each year, look the same? What would you skip that you’re doing right now?

Bare with me, just fill this out and see how you feel.

If I had the rest of my life, I would do ______x______.

I am not doing _____x_____ for these reasons: ___________.

I will overcome these reasons by __________, and I will ensure I have a good life by ____________.

Post that on your wall, somewhere you look every day. Tattoo it on your arm if you’d like—just keep it in mind. Revise it if you need to, that’s okay!

With a full year to reflect on, I’d like you to ask yourself if 2019 was what you wanted.
What was the best part?
What was the worst part?

If something was missing, or if it feels like you were using the wrong life template, ask yourself why.

I appreciate you reading 🙂

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