Affording Happiness

Some people spend every second of their waking day in a cycle: from work to home, to work from home, etc.

Unless they love their jobs, this endless loop is something to be numb about.
They wait as days and days pass into months;
and sorrowed dreams to never be hang lowly in the mind.

Affording happiness, it seems like miles far away from them, but as humans, what else could we afford?

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it…. you must never become lax about maintaining it.” 

Elizabeth Gilbert,
Eat, Pray, Love

Dedicate yourself to being happy. It’s a mindset, a commitment, a chore, and best of all, it doesn’t come without experiencing every other emotion. It’s visceral and relative.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Vocation, Commitment, and Virtue?

As people, we first need to survive, but when we’re thriving, what else is there to worry over other than happiness?

Failing in western society doesn’t kill you. You can get up, start again, even find direction when you’re down.

Vocation is hard to find. Finding what you love, then doing that as a job, sounds impossible to even scrape the surface of. Finding vocation demands patience, trial and error, stupid mistakes we can afford to make.

Commitment to finding vocation is hard. Naturally, we’re lazy, scared of change, but that’s the struggle to overcome. Sticking to vocation, despite what day job you have, despite how tired you are, means everything.
It’s easy to squander things that are precious.

Be selfish enough to care about your future. Be loving enough to bring others with you. Be aware enough to love the present.

Virtue is keeping humanity in check while striving to be your best. It’s morality, caring about people. It needs empathy to work.

Being happy keeps you busy, so always remember to relax sometimes. Enjoy the day.

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

—J.R.R Tolkien

Relax, find the time, do what you love, care, and be happy.


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