
To me, vocation means, “The thing inside that moves you.”

It needs to be listened to.

When I haven’t listened to it, life has felt off balance.

These are blog posts about what vocation means to me and how I try to follow it in what I do.


Is the point of life to live up to your potential? This week, I started watching Shameless again (the U.S. version for those who are asking). I still live at my mom’s house, and it feels like the steps I’m taking toward my future haven’t come to fruition at all yet. This effect is similar

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Threading the Needle

Something I’m learning to do right now is how to continuously find solace in the present. I like to think of it as threading a needle. Trying to find that space, the door between the rubble, the light that ends the tunnel, threading the needle is finding the way, but to find the way, we

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Importance of Caring

I wrote a list of the things I need to work on to create a better life for myself, just to get a clear head of things. It has to do with my morning routine, productivity, environment, social outreach, diet, and ways to unwind, but when I looked at those items, the big question came

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My Fear of Writing

In the corner of my room, tucked away inside my closet, is a plastic garbage bag full of old notebooks, held under pots and pans, a guitar case, and Tupperware containers so we can’t get to each other. The three pillars in my life are Vocation, Travel, and Stories, probably because each are hard to

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What to do in a Life

People always ask what they’d do if they had one day to live, or six months to live, but the reality is that most of us will be here a bit longer. With this in mind, I have a question for you. If you had the rest of your life, what would you do with

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Affording Happiness

Some people spend every second of their waking day in a cycle: from work to home, to work from home, etc. Unless they love their jobs, this endless loop is something to be numb about.They wait as days and days pass into months;and sorrowed dreams to never be hang lowly in the mind. Affording happiness,

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